Guide to Startup Due diligence

When startups seek investment from investors, they eagerly anticipate meaningful discussions and want to forge long-lasting connections to advance their funding round. However, as investors begin to inquire and request documentation, startups may encounter uncertainties in closing a deal. How can they navigate these situations effectively?  Investors devote significant time to evaluating startup deals. Investment…

Guide to Seeding Investors

Guide to Investor Seeding

The second most common reason why startups fail (29% of cases) is due to running out of funding and capital. This underscores the relevance of fundraising & investor relations as a continuous process for startups that are growing. However, finding the right investors to fund your startup can be daunting. As a founder, attracting the…

Managing Investor relations with CRM

Managing Investor relations with CRM

As a startup founder, your desk is often piled up with numerous tasks, and new challenges are always coming your way. You focus on managing your team, running the business, getting new customers, and expanding your numbers. Amidst all this work you strive to engage investors, secure funding, and maintain ongoing communication to keep them…

Investable Startup: What Investability means for Investors

Investable Startup: What Investability means for Investors

Nobody likes losing money. Even more so, when you invested millions of dollars with the hope of multiplying that capital multiple times over. Investors putting their faith in startup founders prefer not to lose their investments. This means they need to ensure that their money is in safe hands rather than feeling as if they…

Startup Data Management, KPIs, and Progress Tracking for Investors

Again it has been 8 months since you updated your KPIs, your investors are asking for updated information and you start wondering where to pull that info even from? Many founders don’t know how to properly organize, and track their core data & metrics and thus fail to showcase to investors how their business is…

Investor reporting & analytics

Investor Reporting for Startup Founders: Succeed with Data & Analytics

For many founders investor relations end with fresh capital reaching their bank account and then they go into hibernation. But often overlooked is how regular reporting is essential to keep existing investors engaged as well as close potential investors. Many startups also find investor reporting burdensome. Often, they lack a system to easily prepare and…

Pitch Deck Sharing Guide Image

Pitch Deck Sharing for Founders: The Smarter Way for Startups to Succeed

Read this incredible PDF I threw at your face and invest in me! This is how the interaction with many founders feels like for investors. There is this expectation that one simple document is gonna open the path to immediate investment. In reality founders have to understand why the deck matters and how to share…

startup data room for investors

Startup Data Rooms for Investors: Navigating Due Diligence for Founders

Have you ever tried to communicate with someone whose language you don’t speak? You might get the message across by moving your limbs like a clown and overemphasizing words as if you were talking to a small child. This is what founders will feel like if they don’t know how to communicate with investors. Effective…